Authorized access. Current date/time: 2024-01-29 14:44:47 api called by http update U: 1706532286 update T: -0.7 update TMX: -0.7 update TMN: -0.7 update TIN: 30.2 update HIN: 38 update H: 70 update P: 1013.0 update W: 0.0 update G: 0.0 update B: 1 update R: 0.5 update RR: 0.000 update SW: WD update SD: 0.00 update LW1: 0 update LW2: 0 update LW3: 0 update LW4: 0 Begin of common part of api script Start handling live data Checking if extra sensors should be logged Extra sensor settings file not found. Extra sensors data to save in db: add live data: D: -5.6 add live data: DTime: 1706532256 add live data: A: -3.4 add live data: ATime: 1706532256 calculated D: -5.6 calculated A: -3.4 Save meteotemplateLive.txt: {"U":1706532286,"T":-0.7,"TMX":-0.7,"TMN":-0.7,"TIN":30.2,"HIN":38,"H":70,"P":1013,"W":0,"G":0,"B":1,"R":0.5,"RR":0,"SW":"WD","SD":0,"LW1":0,"LW2":0,"LW3":0,"LW4":0,"UTime":1706532287,"TTime":1706532287,"TMXTime":1706532287,"TMNTime":1706532287,"TINTime":1706532287,"HINTime":1706532287,"HTime":1706532287,"PTime":1706532287,"WTime":1706532287,"GTime":1706532287,"BTime":1706532287,"RTime":1706532287,"RRTime":1706532287,"SWTime":1706532287,"SDTime":1706532287,"LW1Time":1706532287,"LW2Time":1706532287,"LW3Time":1706532287,"LW4Time":1706532287,"D":-5.6,"DTime":1706532287,"A":-3.4,"ATime":1706532287} Start data parsing Parsing date; Server time: 2024-01-29 14:44:47 Validating date: 1706532286 (2024-01-29 14:44:46) Date is valid; difference with server time is -1 s Parsing temperature Temperature: -0.7 C Database units: C Checking temperature is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum temperature limit: -100 C Maximum temperature limit: 100 C Temperature is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing maximum temperature Max Temperature: -0.7 C Database units: C Checking max temperature is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum temperature limit: -100 C Maximum temperature limit: 100 C Max Temperature is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing minimum temperature Min Temperature: -0.7 C Database units: C Checking min temperature is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum temperature limit: -100 C Maximum temperature limit: 100 C Min Temperature is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing humidity Humidity: 70 percent Checking humidity is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum humidity limit: 0 % Maximum humidity limit: 100 % Humidity is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing wind speed Wind speed: 0.0 kmh Database wind speed units: ms Wind speed converted to: 0 ms Checking wind speed is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum wind speed limit: 0 ms Maximum wind speed limit: 200 ms Wind speed is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing wind gust Wind gust: 0.0 kmh Database wind units: ms Wind gust converted to: 0 ms Checking wind gust is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum wind gust limit: 0 ms Maximum wind gust limit: 200 ms Wind gust is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing wind direction Wind direction: 1 degrees Wind direction is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing daily cumulative precipitation Precipitation: 0.5 mm Database precipitation units: mm Checking precipitation is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum precipitation limit: 0 mm Maximum precipitation limit: 200 mm Precipitation is OK and within the allowed limits Parsing rain rate Rain rate: 0.000 mm/h Database rain units: mm/h Checking rain rate is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum rain rate limit: 0 mm/h Maximum rain rate limit: 500 mm/h Rain rate is OK and within the allowed limits Solar radiation sensor disabled in Main settings - skipping. No extra sensors set to log to extra alldata table. Cached data loaded from cache/apiCache.txt. Parsing pressure Pressure: 1013.0 hpa Database pressure units: hpa Checking pressure is between limits specified in template Main settings. Minimum pressure limit: 950 hpa Maximum pressure limit: 1100 hpa Pressure is OK and within the allowed limits Pressure is valid. Calculated dew point: -5.6 C Dew point ok. Calculated apparent temperature: -3.4 C Apparent temperature ok. End time for database update based on timestamp of first cache data: 2024-01-29 14:40:16 Rounded end time for database update: 2024-01-29 14:45:00 Not yet time to update the db, saving new data to cache/apiCache.txt Generating log file cache/apiLog.txt ERRORS: